Join us for Lent!
Service Times
Contemporary Worship each Sunday at 8:45 in the Chapel.
Traditional Worship each Sunday at 11am in the Sanctuary.
Our Mission
Prospect United Methodist Church is a community of believers who love God, believe in and follow Jesus, are empowered by the Holy Spirit, and show God's radical love to others as we serve our community and the world. No matter the circumstances of your life, the past you left behind, or the current state of your heart, we will show everyone the love and grace that Jesus has shown.
Family Ministries
We look forward to seeing you April 16th!
Children - Route 226
"Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it." Proverbs 22:6 NLT
The purpose of Route 226 Children's Ministry is to nurture each child's relationship with Christ through worship, diving into the Bible, and building relationships with each other. Our passionate leaders and volunteers love the Lord and are devoted to helping kids learn who God is through teaching and example. We offer exciting, interactive programs on Sunday morning's and Wednesday evenings that are tailored to each child's learning needs and spiritual growth. Your kids will feel welcomed here into our church family and will treasure the relationships they build with their peers and leaders.
Youth - Ignite
Student Ministry is a priority at Prospect United Methodist Church, and Prospect has an awesome youth program. Ignite, our youth ministry, strives to develop and deepen students personal relationship with God. We encourage and enable students to share God's radiant love with not only their friends but their communities and the world. Through the unity of students and adults we will ignite the passion and excitement in both to pursue an engaged relationship with God through study, service, and fun. All 6th-12th graders are welcome!
Adult Ministries — Sunday School
Seekers/Agape class of older Adults, very close knit with their caring of one another and sharing one another’s burdens. This class studies quarterly Sunday School Lessons and has two teachers for the group. They are always looking for new members to join them! They meet in room E103 (Education Building)
The Journey is made up of young single and married adults. We use the Bible to learn how to apply it to our daily lives and to grow in our relationship with Jesus Christ. Because of our busy schedules, there is usually not preparation work required to participate in the discussions. We utilize different video series to direct our studies. Our classroom is located in room E106, the last room on the right. We would love for you to join us at 10:00 on Sundays.
Mizpah is another small class of Adults, various ages and at different stages in their walk with the Lord. This class studies a variety of material, all printed books, some with video. This group enjoys talking a modern day, current events. Stop by class E108, you will always be welcomed and guaranteed to learn something!
Registration Coming Soon!!!!
Vacation Bible School
June 26 thru June 29, 2022 5pm to 9pm